ON DISPLAY: Council to consider lake foreshore plan

A foreshore play space, improved access for anglers and a new “sculptural art trail” are among the ideas in a draft Lake Colac Foreshore Master Plan.

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6 Responses to “ON DISPLAY: Council to consider lake foreshore plan”

  1. Chris Smith

    Sadly pretty much a rehash of the 2002 plan with a few of the consultants ideas added. Most of what the lake user groups commented on where ignored. I did vote to allow the draft plan to go out but just so the community can see it, make submissions and see what council is (or isnt) up too. While the track record of council taking any notice of submissions is not good, I hope our community will still submit as this is simply too important not to.

  2. Will be interesting to see if the community survey results are available for public scrutiny, and if the master plan reflects what the residents want – or – whether the master plan is what the consultants (and council) think we want. I for one will be asking for a breakdown of the survey results, but not holding my breath.

  3. Gloria Phillips

    I would like to know how much of the 2002 Lake foreshore master plan was achieved and what these achievements were. So much is put into a foreshore master plan but no plan for the lake.
    Gloria Phillips

  4. So we have another 5yr to wait going by councils track record of being 20yrs behind. ?

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